Wednesday, September 12, 2012

( Illuminism/Illuminati and Secrets.)

*Pyramids are also known for the worship of Saint lucifer.
(His full name was known as Mason Saint Lucifer...)
The Pentagon in D.C. is a pentagram with a pentagram in the center - 5 RINGS, 5 FLOORS, 5 SIDES. See also the "Eastern Star" symbol.
The ground breaking ceremony for construction of the Pentagon was on September 11, 1941 on the 77th degree longitude
Lucifer, who they refer to as the "light giver". The Masonic Motto: ORDO AB CHAO means Order out of Chaos. So who's really behind the chaos we see in the world?
There are '33' degrees of Masonry, as signified by the number 33 in the inverted triangle pictured above. All top level Masons worship......

*These men were part of the free masons many years ago.. the symbol with the skull inbetween them represented lucifer. under the skull was the numbers 322.
-the number 3 represents three sixes 666.
-the number 22 represents action.

*The mentally challenged are rejected because they cannot memorize the correct questions and answers to be recited in rituals in order to function in the Lodge. In other words if you cant handle/understand the knowlege then u are not capable of knowing...
{I believe they have been around for generations because of money showing anwers in wierd ways.} "such ass the picture below"..
*A pyramid on our money for example and the Latin words....
*If you draw a star correctly, u will spell out mason at the tip of your corners or evne just put a v and a v upside down for the Free Mason symbol....
~Free mason also want to get rid of cristiananity.
*[Im not saying I believe in this but some people think the pope is apart of it.....??]
*Notice how the cross is upside down, 0.o isnt that a good enough sign?-If not why does he where alot of red sometimes?
-isnt that a sign of blood and death? -white is the sign of peace and heaven.
comes to think....... (
*Blasphemy or heresy? Who is the Pope and the Catholic order honouring with that inverted cross, do you suppose?
Pope Benedict XVI claims "only true church in the world is that of Catholicism". - July 13/2007
ROME’S PERSECUTION OF THE BIBLE <[Outside link concerning historic persecution by Catholic Church]

(Led to conspiracys that might be true.)*(Are the Free Masons apart of the Secrets kept from us too?)
*How will you know, or remember if your force to foget..? (Brain washed) -if not even killed.
*Another conspiracy is that our own presidents were apart of masons and secrets.
-exept for ours trully r.i.p JFK

(His last speach was remarkable and unforgettable..)
"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings"....."The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings"
* "Today no war has been declared — and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack"
* "We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day"
* "It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations"
 This is a sign of lucifers horns..
Conspiracy that Gorge w. Bush plotted the 911!!part of Illuminati too!!
*meaning hes part of the Free Masons and secrets..
(Factoid: It took two years to prepare the site for construction of the World Trade Center towers. On August 6 1968 steel construction officially began, and 33 years 36 days later the towers were destroyed. The number 36 is representative of the number 666 in numerology. If we add each number from 1 to 36 the total is 666. The number 36 is also the number of degrees in the five sided pentagram, which is a venerated symbol of the Illuminati and Satanists. The number 666 is also associated with the Babylonian Sun Worship religion, which derives from the 'Magik Square of the Sun' to chart someone's horoscope. The square is made up of 36 boxes with the numbers 1 through 36 depicted. They are related to the 36 rooms of the zodiac. Every house (zodiac sign) has 3 rooms times the 12 houses = 36. )COINCEDENCE THAT SAME NUMBERS ADD UP TO SAME DATE....

\ *Factoid: In yet another interesting coincidence, the twin towers - which to the "illuminated" represented the pillars that separate the heavens and the earth, and number 11 - were destroyed 33 weeks 3 days from Bush's inauguration as president on January 20, 2001.
The number 11 represents the pillars of Solomon, Enoch, and Hercules which also represent "passageways" that one could travel, to reclaim what Freemasons refer to as 'The Golden Age of Osiris". To practitioners of the dark arts, any ascendancy of a "new age" requires a magic ritual of blood, which was the occult purpose behind those who took part in 9/11. This "blood sacrifice" was required to be powerful enough to "move their hidden empire beyond the symbolic, and into the physical". It was intended to announce the arrival of their so-called "New Atlantis".
In occult numerology the number 11 is the first "Master Number" and represents vision. The number 22 (a multiple of 11) refers to action, while 33 holds the highest significance to Masons, with 33 being a number of accomplishment to the combination of both the vision and action.
Flight 11 began the 9/11 attack, exactly 11 years TO THE DAY, following George H. W. Bush's first "vision of a New world Order" speech.
Where the two pillars stood, they now plan to build a single tower, deceptively called a 'freedom tower' representing a unity of the power of both "church and state" under one head.It has also been noted that a middle column is often seen in masonic imagery, and represents truth and synthesis, as well as the stargate or stairway. With the destruction of building 7 these towers likewise symbolically represent the destruction of the temple of man or temple of Solomon. They also represent the kabala, with towers 1, 2 and 7 being numerological equivalents (totalling to 10) of their hermaphroditic god and the 'three branched' kabalistic 'tree of life' or 'ladder to God'. This is why, some argue, building 7 had to be brought down as part of their elaborate yet farcical occult ritual. *An owl is the sign of death....All these people in this picture to the right are part of the Free Mason and Secrets Hidden from the society/public.
Before they were discovered, they would have this ritual that involves a sacrifice for lucifer. This occurs on july 7, every year.... what for???
Now that its discovered and the public knows about them, they made it into some show..
*This takes place in Bohemian Groves, in the middle of a forest....
 Why is our goverment making settlements with out consulting the people?
like the secrets they keep from us, even though the amendments say we as  people Though the Freedom of Information Act usually guarantees citizens full disclosure of their government surveillance...!!!!!

“As the government gains access to more and more aspects of a private citizen’s life in the name of preventing terrorism,” Caldwell stated, “more ordinary people will unknowingly become targets of investigation, and more files will be gathered on the innocent.”

\[These also are things they hide from us in the state of Navada.....]
*There is a top secret facility in the middle of the desert miles on in...
Not much information do to top secret files.

*I think this picture above is accurate because thats us as the people on the bottom in stress and stuggling for  help.. As the list of the pyramid moves up, it moves to the Masons, Armys, infulences, and presidency. Beyond that is unknown.
The man to the left is George Washington trying to do the same pose as the demon Lucifer.
they wear the clothes the same way and do the same pose.
who knows if our founding fathers were masons or in the illuminati group.

"Power Plant with in Pyramids"

*If this power plant is true, how come our ancestors or anchient ones were able to figure this out?
(The pyramid is made in a perfect form, causing an air flow through the pyramid.)
Machined Granite of Ancient Egypt*
What technology did the ancient Egyptians possess in crafting their civilization in granite? This collection of photographs show the hallmarks of precisely guided machine tools. Showing to prove that they used teqnology.

Pyramid Location

*Three main pyramids in the Bosnian Pyramid Valley form an equilateral .. Newspaper reports have quoted Osmanagić as claiming that they were constructed by ancient Illyrain inhabitants of the Balkans as early as 12,000 BC.